Sunday 22 May 2011

BEST FRIENDS...... (just for name sake)

BEST FRIENDS.... sounds really good right?  but do you seriously believe that this word has the same meaning in our life which we used to have in our school days!!  The answer is NO...a big big NO!
Best friend is one who listens to our problem because they care for us... but this days i don't think anybody cares for any one, people today listen your problem but behind it there is nothing like care it's just their curiosity which makes them listen your problem and we fool's go and share everything to such people.

If you remember in our childhood we used to have only one best friend with whom we used to fight, we used to share each and every secrets, cry in front of him/her, tell them about our crush, do bitching for our teachers, other friends, unknown peoples and sometimes even our parent..hehe,  ;)

They were like Priest to us in front of whom we used to confess every small thing which i think no one would have confessed in front of priest also. In those days if you remember our parents and teachers used to tell us one thing again and again ie GOD IS EVERYWHERE AND GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING!!   today after growing up i realised that actually God was with us everywhere because our best friend was always with us and we used to tell him each and everything so he knows everything about us because we never lied our best friend and there was nothing which was hidden to our besty!

BUT today... entire meaning of best friend has changed!!
                       today nobody has one single best friend everybody has at least two best friends. some people are such that they have too many best friends, now i don't understand how any person can share everything to so many people. either  in today's world the meaning of best friend has changed or the person who says they he has too many best friends is actually scared of being lonely and has no self confidence that he can maintain true friendship with any one person!  he is not making too many best friends but he is actually creating backup for himself....  
Confused?? thinking what is this backup?????

I'll explain you, this is like investing in too many companies which are engaged in various sectors so that even if one company winds up there are few more companies who can give you handsome return and recover losses made by the company which was winded up..   same way if you have suppose 10 best friends all from different places one from classes, one from college, one from society, one who's your classmate, one who is your school friend etc etc etc....... now out of all 10 best friends even if 5 moves out by any reason still you wont be left lonely; you know WHY?? because you still have 5 friends left with you to support you and to recover and soothe your heart which was hurt by them and its but obvious that all 10 will never go away at same time.. isn't this a smart idea to protect your self from being getting hurt or left alone?

But such people are just selfish in nature because they just think of themselves. they just forget that all are not like them, there are people who consider them as their only friend but this people sometimes just forget about such people because they have to deal with too many best friends and sometimes they forget one of them and that one person sometimes is the real friend.

but today we all have developed one mental tendency ie WHO CARES??
the day when this word came into our mind that was the day when we forgot true meaning of best friend... many people say they want to go back in time and want to enjoy their childhood days, but the fact is unless this word WHO CARES is deleated from our mind we wont be able to enjoy our childhood days even if  God sends us back in time...................................!!
 I just want to say that start caring for the one who thinks you are his/her best friend and never let this word 'WHO CARES' come into your mind if it is concerned with the one who considers you as BESTY!

Monday 16 May 2011

PETROL ... precious fluid for India!!

PETROL... in olden days this word was given secondary position because in those days verry few had their on vehicles,  ifact person having just a simple motor cycle was considered to be leaving a lavish life!!

In those days only vehicles were given importance; not the petrol.
Prices of petrol were not at all given any importance because the person having capability to own a vehicle running on fuel was really a big deal and for such people petrol prices did not matter, in those days petrol prices were too less as compared to todays price. U must be thinking how can i compare the prises of those times with the time we are leaving in beacause it is but obvious that rate of inflation has raised hundreds of times from then till now! 
But here im talking is; the prices of petrol would also have affected the people in those times as well but it did not affect them because the prices of vehicles were so high that verry few of them would aford for vehicles and because less vehicles were running in city the consumption of petrol was also less so the prices were not going up because in thos times oil and petrol companies focused on increasing sales of petrol and not on increasing margin of profit...

And one reason reason behind low petrol prices was; the companies engaged in petrol business were owned by government and petrol prices were regulated then... but now many private sectors companies have entered in this business and because of which government had to deregulate petrol prices and now the petrol prices are decided by private companies.. they are verry well aware that petrol is like water for INDIA so they dont need to focus on its sales , they just need to focus on profit margin...

There are many people who just cant stay without petrol!! 
Lets take Eg. of an college student who stays away from main road, where there is no proper public transport facility like bus or ric. now this guy will have no option left with him then to bend down in front of rising petrol prices. 
what he can do atmost is he will spend less on his GF or he will not RECHARGE his phone or anything else just to raise budget because now he ll have to pay more for his petrol. 

In many cities like MUMBAI people come together and fight for rise in petrol prices by not fueling their vehicle for 1 day, but i petty them because doing such ridiculous activity will not at all affect the petrol companies.. because by doing such activity will cause company suffer lose of nearly about 4b to 4.5b but this loss is just a fraction in front of the profits made by them!! this loss will be covered by them within a week!!

the only way which can stop prices of petrol to rise further is the subsidy provided by government!!
if government will provide subsidy to this geedy companies then only petrol prices will remain stable...

I am not writing this post because i'm some sought of leader or something but im just writing this post just because one of my friend did not come to watch movie our group just because he was running out of budget and had to sacrifice movie with us to save for petrol, which really made me upset. 

Sunday 15 May 2011

Tear Rain

My lips smiles even in pain.....whenever i remember those sweet memories and those past moments!!

even for a moment itself; i had got life with smile

remembering those beautiful days when my days were passed in your lap and my nights in your arms!!

today when i remember those moment, those moments force me to forgot all my sorrows

i still remember those days when you were putting your head on my shoulders, 

you were hiding yourself  in my chest by coming into my shelter breaking yourself in me like a glass shattered all over!!

today when i see those flashback scenes it vanishes the loneliness of my heart..!!
but that feeling of hapiness is just for a moment 

because i know the that you are no more mine and i'm never gonna get you by my side!! 

but no matter whatever i have been through without you and whatever you did with me

i'll never stop loving you because i beleave love touches your soul just one time and stays for lifetime!